How is the footage, images & other assets sent to you?
They can be send via FTP, Dropbox or Google Drive, to name a few. You may also U.S. Mail a Hard Drive or Flash Media to our production facility if you like.

How long will it be before I receive my completed video?
After we receive the last asset for the project, you will receive the completed edit in 1-3 weeks.

What if I need a project edited and sent back sooner than 1-3 weeks? Is it possible? Is there an extra fee?
Yes it certainly is possible. No there is never an extra fee as long as it is just a once in a while occurrence. We believe in developing a partnership with all our clients, and as such, don’t believe in charging for every little thing!

How long do your Weddings & Bar Mitzvah Edits Run?
That depends on what you would like them to be. Generally weddings, which include ceremony’s & reception can range from 1-2 hours. Mitzvah parties 1-2 hours and mitzvah services are usually left full length and just cleaned up. They can range from 1-2 hours as well.

I see you do photomontages. Can you tell me about them?
We have photomontages to fit every financial tier you have. We produce montages from 10 – 1000 pictures. 1D to 3D with muli-layering. They can be as basic or as elaborate as you like. We use Adobe AFX and Proshow Producer for most.

What Editing software/hardware do you use and is it compatible with FCP?
We use the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite plus Proshow Producer. Our PC’s are top of the line 12 core hyper-threaded edit workstations with 24 gigs of ram and sata-raids. Yes, projects can be exported in .mov or complete projects can be exported in files that FCP can read.

How much input will I have in determining how my jobs will be edited?
We want to please! We speak on the phone or we can video skype or you can come to our editing facility. We ask you numerous questions and together we design a product specifically for you. Over time we continually tweak the process job after job. We also ask you for a dvd or digital file of a completed job so we can better see what you already offer your clients.

Do you have a list of satisfied clients you can send me? Can I contact them?
Yes and YES! Most of our clients we have serviced for many years. Once they experience the level, creativity and care we provide, they become immediately addicted to us.
(Link to our clients page)

How is payment made?
Many avenues here. Call to discuss.

What if I want to do a portion of the editing, like providing you with the montage or if I would like to do the dvd authoring etc…Is this possible?
That is fine with us. The pricing will be adjusted accordingly.

Instead of providing me with a dvd, blu-ray of the final product, can you send me a digital format of my choice so I can do the dvd authoring myself?
Yes, we can provide you with any file format you wish and send it to you via the web or U.S mail.

How long do you hold onto my projects?
We hold onto all project files for a minimum of 6 months. We also send you a backup dvd or HD digital file of the completed project so you will always have a copy just in case. In the event that the job requires re-editing and we have already purged the job from our system, we can take the .mpg off the dvd, make the changes, and re-burn the dvd or even better, you send us back the HD digital file & we work off that.

How long do photo montages take and what format do the pictures need to be in and how do I number them?
They are usually fast-tracked to the front of the line. Usually 1-7 days depending upon other factors. We can accept any format: jpg, tif, bmp…All digital photos must be named for example 001.jpg. 002.jpg, 003.jpg, 003.jpg. You can even US mail the photographs and we can scan them for you. They must be labeled 1, 2, 3, 4…on the back corner of each photograph.

Is there a money back guarantee?
Yes! As in any creative process there are hundreds/thousands of editing possibilities. Our process includes spending a tremendous amount of time finding out your needs ahead of time, and then we count on fine tuning your company’s format, job after job. We will try our best, but if we are unable to satisfy you, we will gladly return your money. FYI: “Never had to return 1 cent in 30 years”

Do you work with clients outside of the USA?
Yes! We work with clients all over the world. The time standards and shipping costs would be adjusted accordingly for clients in other countries.

Who pays for shipping?
We have accounts with different carriers. Give us a call to discuss the options.


Advanced Video Outsourcing
Steven D. Arecco
7 Days a week, 9am – 9pm EST
29 Village Drive West, Dix Hills, NY 11746
Cell with texting: 516-398-2940
Skype: sarecco2